map over Bandhagen, Rågsved and Högdalen

💥 Create positive evolution!

🐬 Celebrate diversity!

🎺 Build community!

🍭 Have fun!

SouthSide 19 is rising & creating big funky homemade celebrations all along our path, each including a healthy dose of second hand love, lots of art, tasty homecookin’ & groovacious sounds!

🤘 Our vision is to establish an ongoing network of community markets & celebrations in Bandhagen, Rågsved & Högdalen. Highlighting each of these distinct & diverse stops along Linje 19.

🚀 Reclaiming our SouthSide 19 Centrums thru creating fun, creative, all inclusive Markets where folks can more easily connect & better get to know one another!

🏄 To further engage and partner with local community organisations & involve local sponsors.

💃 Ultimately creating a stronger, prouder sense of place & making our treasured inner southside hoods even more inviting destinations!

Naturally. All are welcome!!

flea market
flea market
flea market
flea market
flea market
flea market
flea market
flea market
flea market